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Photo by Fábio Silva on Unsplash
16 September, 2021: By Ajoy Maitra

Gaming industry has unveiled its potential in the recent years as majority of the world population stands in favour of the millenials.

Technological advancements has driven forth the industries leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Such has also been acknowledged in the gaming industry as latest modulations are done to impact the overall growth and engagement of the population.

Indian online gaming has seen its prominent rise in terms of users as well as revenue generation. As per the latest analysis report,

Online gaming was the fastest growing M&E segment in 2020. The online gaming segment grew 18% in 2020 to reach INR77 billion aided by work from home, school from home and increased trial of online multi-player games during the lockdown.

Technology and Gaming

Most significant and prominent change in gaming has been the surge of online gaming. Gaming has not restricted itself to entertainment, however it has further expanded it's horizon onto being a social engagement through live entertainment.

AI in Gaming

Gaming AI Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

Through latest modernization, artificial intelligence has also been introduced into gaming. People engage into virtual reality gaming as well as playing alongside the AI NPCs, which allows a gamer with more customizable in-game options

Online casino games are one of the best examples of AI in gaming which has revolutionized the online gaming experience.

Another unique example of such is the commonly preferred and mostly played Dota 2 which has the bots capable to make players strive really hard to win against. Notable stated by Julian Togelius, an associate professor at New York University’s department of computer science and engineering,

Two of the core components of commercial game AI are pathfinding and finite state machines. Pathfinding is how to get from point A to point B in a simple way, and it's used in all the games all the time. A finite state machine is a construct where a non-playable character can be in different states and move between them.

Blockchain Gaming Transactions

Bitcoin Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash

Blockchain is one the globally rising concepts which has the potential to alter future of transactions.

Online gaming has mostly has the micro-transactions included commonly, with the availability of free-to-play games. Free-to-play is another concept which most of the gaming companies has adopted to structure increased engagement of players.

Micro-transactions being channelized through a blockchain security can further enhance trust of gamers. Nothing can be manipulated with such, as blockchain involves a chain of blocks created which is impossible to modify for it's inter-linked feature.

5G and Cloud Gaming

Network Towers Photo by Kabiur Rahman Riyad on Unsplash

5G is the next generation of networking capable of unblocking the constraints beyond limits. Nurturing AI, 5G has the potential to transform the world into a modern structure with advanced features like low latency and network slicing.

Cloud technology, on the other hand, is one of the rapidly adopted technologies after the pandemic, as most of the organizations had to shift to digitalization.

Cloud gaming is the uprising of next-gen gaming experience as it reduces workloads. Dematerialization of consoles along with shift of power to data centres has encouraged 5G to go hand-in-hand with cloud gaming.

Cloud Gaming is one of the most talked about use cases since the introduction of 5G, we experimented with it in multiplayer mode and it was interesting to see how the game can reach such high levels of connection quality and reliability with this technology.

- stated the Communities of Practice Director of Reply, Paolo Capitelli.

Free Developer Tools

Game Development Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Most of the developer tools are now available for free to download and start with your first ever gaming project.

Unreal Engine is one of the most commonly used developer tool which has enhanced it's features to a complete next-gen visual experience. The latest update of Unreal Engine 5 has introduced a standalone ray-tracing feature.

Improved details, more accurate lighting, immersive sound, and better physics has unveiled the unexplored potential of UE5 along with massive improvements to frames per second.