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DNA research Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
03 September, 2023 : By Ajoy Maitra

DNA Technology has many controversies around along with the advanced inclusion of AI for individual profiling.

Advanced DNA Technology involves DNA sequencing which reveals the genetic information in a specific DNA segment. DNA sequencing is the determination of four nucleotide bases: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, those that forms a DNA molecule. Such sequencing technique stores a huge amount of genetic data.

With the increasing crimes and several unsolved pending cases, DNA Technology can ensure advanced accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system. The initial requisite for the DNA Technology to succeed in profiling involves the existence of storage and exchange of DNA database.

Apart from assisting the judicial system, DNA Technology has the ability to improve the characteristics of a living body by controlled modification of target genes. Few examples of DNA Technology include: DNA Cloning, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Gel Electrophoresis & DNA Sequencing.


recombinant DNA Technology

Recombinant DNA Technology (rDNA) is based on other technologies like cloning and DNA sequencing. It is through the joining of DNA molecules, a new genetic combination can be produced to help enhance the scientific research, medicine, agriculture and industry.

Genetic engineering is a vital achievement as it helps human life in achieving advanced approaches to overcome agricultural, environmental & health issues.

The rDNA technology has revolutionized the development in biology with wide range of products that enhances opportunities of innovation. The pharmaceutical products modified through the rDNA technology has changed the human life in such a way that the US Food and Drug Administration has approved this in 1997.

The global Recombinant DNA Technology Market was valued USD 142.9 Billion in 2021 and is all set to surpass USD 223.0 Billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.7% during the forecast period 2022-2028.

Not only does the rDNA technology ensure better health through availability of synthesized drugs, but also it solves the major issue of malnutrition due to the food shortages. It allows genetical enhancement of crops that increase the yield and resistance to pests or diseases aside maintaining a good quality.

Thus the rDNA technology improves better human life with enhanced therapeutic products, genetically modified agricultural products, innovations in diagnosis and sustainable energy applications.


DNA Technology in Forensics Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Forensics use the advancement of DNA sequencing technology to help overcome surge in crimes. As every individual has an unique DNA code, the same is used to identify the convicted.

DNA Fingerprinting is such a forensic technology which is widely used to identify the differences in an individual’s DNA. Each sections of the DNA are analysed and separated according to their sizes. However, in case of failure of DNA Fingerprinting technology, Forensic Genealogy advances to help solve crimes.

Following the establishment of theory that DNA exists as a three dimensional double helix, in 1953, DNA research reached new heights.

The vital element of forensics is the availability of DNA profiles from the suspects that can be analysed in order to attain criminal justice. Such a DNA profiling breaches certain fundamental rights of humans as ‘right to privacy” and ‘right against self-incrimination’.


DNA Security Photo by fabio on Unsplash

While DNA technology serves to the betterment of society by allowing enhancements in medicines and food, there are several safety concerns related as well.

In its performance of providing immunity to diseases, DNA technology creates antibiotic resistance for many viruses. Though the rDNA technology has provided effective medicines for different types of diseases, it has other consequences as the potential ecosystem interactions between the genetically modified micro-organisms and the existing ones are very difficult to predict.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, DNA technology played a pivotal role in the availability of 2.5 billion vaccines in 170 countries across the globe. However, gradually the virus modified itself to be resistant to the vaccines and the new versions of the virus created more adverse situation in several countries.

Also the use of DNA technology is solving crimes has critical consequences to the society in terms of privacy. DNA profiles stored in databases are utilised by the law enforcements to analyse suspect’s DNA. Databases being a part of IT should be secured with limited access to maintain the confidentiality.

With possibilities of data breach, DNA profiles fall prey to unwanted modifications or tampering that can have adverse effect to an individual’s freedom and false accusation.

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