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Importance of Artificial Intelligence Education Photo by Victor from Pexels
8 September, 2021: By Ajoy Maitra

The word Artificial Intelligence has become more popular with the Covid pandemic striken world.

Being the need of the hour, Artificial Intelligence is implemented in various sectors to cope up with the increased digitization. Organizations are adopting technological sophistications through AI and Machine Learning. Even with the the rise of work-from-home (WFH) facilities provided by several companies in this pandemic, the need for automation of services and modernization through AI has called forth its potential contribution.

Around four decades back, people were not accustomed to the world of computer and most of the office works were done manually. Very few among them knew how to operate computers and others felt it to be too complex to learn, often fearing of losing jobs.

Artificial Intelligence is now at the growing stage of implementation in every sectors. The knowledge about the same would enhance the decision making and competency of handling more complex tasks. Specifically stating on the importance of knowing AI, Kathleen Featheringham, director of AI strategy and training at technology consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton,

Humans are inherently good at critical thinking, so it's important to frame AI as a computational aid so people can focus more on what they are good at.

Artificial Intelligence Education

Artificial Intelligence Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

As employment in the near future would be concerned further on enhanced skills of AI and machine learning, a holistic approach of educating people is highly required.

While some may find that learning AI or machine learning is too complex and of no use, however, the basic concepts on the working of human mind can ease out the complexity behind AI. Artificial Intelligence mirrors the working of human intelligence thereby automating and easing out the repetitive tasks.

Benefiting from such learnings, people or organizations can implement methods to automate in leading to a better segregation of tasks. More importantly, AI makes things easy along with many more complications which may arise in work.

AI education would help people to better understand how a system works within and affects other inter-related to it. Knowing such further helps to avoid complications arising in work and resolve difficulties.

The global artificial intelligence (AI) market size to grow USD 58.3 billion in 2021 to USD 309.6 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 39.7% during the forecast period.

As per the reports of MarketsandMarkets forecast.

Government Initiatives for AI-Ready Youth Generation

AI-Ready Youth Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

India being the third among the most attractive investment destinations for technology transactions in the world, government always has the priority to focus on science and technology. As per the current data, despite the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, half the respondents in a McKinsey survey said that the coronavirus had no effect on their investment in AI, while 27% actually reported increasing their investment.

World's top universities has also increased their investment on AI education. A necessitative act for every country to move forward to growth, Artificial Intelligence education is encouraged through various free courses available.

Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) AI Policy Observatory and Network of Experts on AI in 2020, were launched to promote inter-governmental efforts to work together in developing AI for all.