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Cloud Computing in Healthcare
09 December, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra

Cloud Computing has recently become the requirement for every organisations in their transformational journey to Digitalization. Technologies are evolving at every time with latest modifications and advancements to cope up with the raising needs for cost-effective, efficient environments complying with the on-demand service facillities.

As data forms sources of an unlimited convergence including Electronic Health Records, Medical Imaging, Genomic Sequencing, Payer Records, Pharma Research, Medical Devices and many others, the need for cloud digital services emerges to simplify tasks involving such huge data handling.

Alongside, cloud computing has proven to be cost effective by slashing the operational costs as well as leveraging such to enhance healthcare facilities with personalized care. According to the latest market report,

The healthcare cloud computing market is poised to grow by USD 25.54 bn during 2020-2024 progressing at a CAGR of almost 23% during the forecast period.

Data being exponentially growing every year, cloud computing provides hassle-free storage as means to scalable operations in healthcare industry. Such also ensures easy traceability of patient's data enabling doctors to make informed decisions. Apart from such scalability and ease of tracing, cloud computing empowers machine learning for enhanced accurate performance in latest innovations of apprehending patient's situations and requirements.

AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare

Deep Learning Frameworks optimize machine learning to enhance intelligent decision making securing life expectancy with early detection of physical anomalies to be treated at the earliest stages.

AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare

Medical assistance adds to an efficient augmentation of medical science abilities with applied analysis of huge data sources. Cognitive solution and Automation further ensures goal based personalized treatments for patients with a better recovery chance. As per the McKinsey Global Institute report on the adoption of AI,

By 2030, the average simulation shows that some 70 percent of companies might have adopted at least one type of AI technology...

Microsoft Project InnerEye

Advancements to ML and AI, releases the cringes in performing critical surgeries or disgnosis of illness. Microsoft with their Project InnerEye has developed machine learning technique which complies with the healthcare demands through latest Convolutional Neural Networks involving in medical imaging for an automatic personalization of treatments. As stated by the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella at Microsoft IGNITE 2016,

... We are pursuing AI so that we can empower every person and every institution that people build with tools of AI so that they can go on to solve the most pressing problems of our society and our economy. That's the pursuit.

Endless possibilities are unraveled on the path of such innovation in assisting healthcare facilities as well as doctors to a distinctive approach on research. As per the studies, such innovation has provided accuracy in predicting symptoms or detecting brain activities. Studied application of neuroscience and machine learning techniques has led to observations of psychic disorders as depressions. Reports noted after such analysis with multiple imaging, stated that,

classifier achieved an approximately 70% generalization accuracy for an independent validation dataset with 521 participants from 5 different imaging sites.

Diagnoss AI Assistant

A startup based on AI, Diagnoss, has eased out medical coding and billing with automated Natural Language Processing. Through continuous assessment of a patient's medical conditions, Diagnoss suggests ICD 10 diagnosis codes enabling the medical providers and billers a starting point devoid of any guess. Medical coding involves translation of a patient's diagnosis reports into alphanumeric codes which can be made use to assess requirements fulfilled by a healthcare provider. Similar to Grammarly AI, Diagnoss, as per the Founder and CEO, Abboud Chaballout,

Grammarly reads what you're writing and gives you actionable information around grammar. We're doing the same thing with codes.

Cloud computing thereby has unveiled its full potential as the pandemic has impacted the world adversely, to an extent of rising urgency in medical fields for better assessment and accuracy. Data collected on day to day basis from various sources of monitoring and diagnosis are utilized in the betterment of technological powers to automate detection and secured analysis of samples. Cloud servers are effectively increasing security through virtualization of data storages, ensuring no data loss or theft.