Virtualization Technology
18 August, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra

COVID-19 pandemic has lead the world into adopting technology which was either ignored or referred to as means of unemployment due to substitution of hurdled tasks by computers. To safeguard the companies from the lashes of economic meltdown, corporates were encouraged to adopt technological advancements in generating value to businesses.
Virtualization of services has met its requirement post COVID lockdowns, leading to various tech companies to make a leap onto the next step of better performance through advanced technological upgrades in various sectors.

Learning through Virtualization

E-learning has been made possible through the use of video conferencing tools like: Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and others, countering the restrictions post COVID lockdowns. The new tech based education leverages the teachers and students to become more collaborative and extend learning beyond classrooms.

Across the country, the Government of India is encouraging several e-learning projects under National Mission on Education through ICT initiatives such as Swayam, Swayam-Prabha, National Digital Library, e-Yantra, Virtual Lab, that are helping students as well as teachers in upskilling as well as providing them quality resources. E-learning has the potential of exploiting available technology through advanced learning avoiding the risk of pandemic exposure.

Virtualization in Medical

Life-saving techniques modified to ease out several complex operations in hospitals which had less success rates. Virtual Reality is one of the gaming techs which has made it easier to understand the complexities by real time experience to access & view areas inside the human body that otherwise would be impossible to reach.
Through multiple angled views captured in a 4K 360 degree video, the CGI animated models construct real-time immersive and interactive training experience.
'Lucile Packard Children's Hospital' in Stanford is the only hospital in the world to have Virtual Reality fully functional to support range of procedures. They successfully created a virtual heart which is used for training purposes in learning deep about congenital diseases making it easy to teach and know about complex portions of a human body.

Virtualization in Finance

Artificial Intelligence, most often heard now-a-days, has its component of Machine Learning which is prefereably utilized with researches of enhanced security and real time monitoring. With increased usage of technology and digital applications, concerns for Data Security rises thereby necessitating further enhancements to counter the possible breaches. Banks and Financial Institutions has transformed their traditional services through various mobile applications to reach out its valued customers in resolving the basic requirements.

Machine learning provides the banking sector with the ability to convert data samples into new interferences based on how the technology interprets the information it receives.