Artificial Intelligence
31 August, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra
Winston Churchill said, "The price of greatness is responsibility." Artificial Intelligence systems are escalated to support human decision-making providing real-time processing of data in a reliable output. Synchronising with the neural ability of human brain, it gains potential to master accuracy and contributing to the fast paced world through algorithms reliable and fair, causing no harm.
Trusting a machine to operate by itself is often against the human rationale as we are skeptical to the process of execution and whether such would not fail in an accurate assessment. Trained by our own values, we need assurance to the safety in artificial intelligence and such can only be obtained as we explore the truth behind how it actually works in changing the common forms to a completely automated system.

We are living in the most challenging situation of devastation ever experienced by most of us, in this COVID pandemic leading to arise of fear in the minds of the people with regard to safety & security. However with this, global business landscape is changing and accelerating with enhanced technological improvements to data driven economic realities where people prefer to stay at home, using digital methods.


artificial intelligence
Consumers always prefer transparency of what is told, what is actually done & how it is done. However, many are unaware of the exact process of executing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to common truth. Most recent misuses of data by big companies have studdled the trust, raising basket of queries. Shelving out with security, data are the key elements of AI through which it trains neural networks to process requirements as per preferences further bringing many benefits in terms of scientific progress, human wellbeing, economic value, and the possibility of exploring solutions to major social and environmental problems.


digital security
The main concern in the world is security which are now often breached to leak data and lead mistrust among countries. Consumers as an integral part of such system are compromised while fulfilling their urge to explore varieties.
Artificial Intelligence or integration of machine learning capabilities in various digital services are now providing end-to-end encryption with data being processed and secured in a stack. However, latest blockchain technology offers advanced level of security as a digital ledger which automatically modifies the unique hash on an attempt to harm security.

So, with advancing years and excellent upskill of technological upgrades, TRANSPARENCY & SECURITY are the two major concerns required to be monitored effectively in providing trust among consumers leading to a better digital world.