Digitalisation has now became an ever-popular concept involving procedural change of computer based technologies in the adoption by society or by business entity, leading to modernisation and substantial growth in demand.
In just 2 to 3 years there has been an overhaul in technological growth with the ability to meet the needs of common people. IoT is the term of the generation involving automation using machine languages in transformaing Artificial Intelligence to Neural Network modification.
Railways has become the most trusted mode of transport in any country, with the ever increasing population demanding on-time arrival.
Long gone the days of queueing at the ticket counters and looking after the platforms where the train would arrive. Mobile applications has been continuing to fast spin the globe around with digital transformations and over the last five years, European railways have registered significant improvements in modelling transparent communication evidencing:
•  Informative & user-friendly websites,
• Real-time information through mobile applications including booking tickets and reserving seats,
• Onboard informative entertainment services,
• Dynamic time-table updates for ease of knowing stations/stopages.
Digital Rail Transformations
Due for opening in 2025, Germany has equipped all stations in Stuttgart Metropolitan area with digital signalling, European Train Control System (ETCS) & Automatic train operation (ATO) systems with the motive to increase efficiency and network capacity. Such technology would reduce the time to reach destinations as the process would be automated ensuring safety in platforms, elevating reliability on railway transportation.
Hitachi Rail Limited agreed to aquire the Southampton based technology firm: Perpetuum, which pioneers in digital technology required to modify railway operations to ease out the process through enhanced safety, efficiency & service quality. The advanced wireless sensing automation technology used would detect any fault more accurately sending real-time data which would support the railway authorities in taking decisions to avoid further delays in the process.
"The inclusion of one of the most exciting, pioneering companies in digital asset management is an exciting development for our global mobility business", said Hitachi Rail Group CEO, Mr. Andy Barr. "Perpetuum's data-driven insights will offer further improvements to the service we provide to our customers. This acquisition also supports Hitachi's growth in the digital technologies space, which is becoming increasingly key to our offering."