iPad Next Generation
02 August, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra

Apple Inc. has a plethora of products with breakthrough patents as: personal Computers, multi-touch screens, and many others.
At the latest, the company reveals a groundbreaking technology to the way we would be using touchscreens in the future. A revolutionary cahnge to the multi-touch touchscreens that was another patent of Apple Inc. with their iphone launch back in 2007.

According to the patent spotted by PatentlyApple, Apple has been working on a next-gen version of the Apple Pencil with integrated Haptic Feedback Technology. Additional to such a technology, the pencil would include a small speaker, capable of delivering sound effects generated from a touch.


Human Beings primarily have five senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch. Haptic feedback is a technology that simulates the sense of touch on an electronic devices. A technology now commonly used in gaming controllers with vibrations while playing a game conveys modes through periodic vibrations. However, such is only a part of haptic feedback used.
Sensations like pain, heat, textures and everything entails within the somatosensory system of our nervous system. Haptic Technology involves utilisation of such technology to ensure complete realistic experience through technology.

So basically, Apple is integrating such complex system into their newly re-invented pencil, by which an user can experience on touching anything on-screen like experiencing a soft soil texture, pain on touching a needle tip, and so on including everything one can feel on touch.

As said, "A device for detecting a touch input to a surface comprises at least one radar transmitter component configured to transmit electromagnetic radiation in a radio frequency spectrum. The device further comprises at least one radar receiver component configured to receive a portion of the electromagnetic radiation reflected by an object performing the touch input to the surface. The device further comprises a control module configured to receive information related to the portion of the electromagnetic radiation received by the at least one radar receiver component. The control module is further configured to detect the touch input to the surface based on the information related to the portion of the electromagnetic radiation received by the at least one radar receiver component."
Such can be hard to understand, so its simply the integration of haptic technology into the Apple pencil.

istylus Not just that, with thin touchscreens, the ipads/ iphones would be much thinner allowing more space for bigger batteries with advanced lower battery consumption technology as the radar screen is more power-efficient. So, with such a revolutionary invention, Apple Inc. would set path to a whole new level of technological enhancements along with mastery in future implementation of Artificial Intelligence.